What is the Difference Between PCOD vs PCOS?

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In today’s world, where women are working and taking part in various activities, some health problems have become common. One such issue is PCOS and PCOD, Polycystic Ovary Disease or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, which affects many women nowadays. PCOD and PCOS happen when a woman’s hormones get imbalanced, mainly from her 20s to 40s. It can lead to irregular periods because eggs don’t mature properly in the ovaries. PCOS causes small sacs filled with fluid to form on the ovaries, making it hard for eggs to be released regularly.

If someone thinks they have PCOS or PCOD it’s crucial to recognize that they are not the same. PCOD and PCOS need to disclose the difficulty behind these commonly experienced conditions.

If you are in distress and upset causing PCOD or PCOS then it’s important to see a doctor for the right diagnosis and advice. Let’s understand the difference between PCOS vs PCOD, its symptoms, its common signs, and its diagnosis.

Are They the Same?

While PCOD and PCOS share similarities, they are distinct entities. The growth and hormonal balance in cases of PCOS and PCOD conditions has drawn attention to the need for understanding and controlling the associated challenges, including irregular periods, obesity, infertility, and hormonal fluctuations affecting the body, face, and skin.

What is PCOD: Polycystic Ovary Disease?

PCOD, or Polycystic Ovary Disease, is characterized by the presence of multiple cysts on the ovaries. These cysts are fluid-filled sacs, and their development can disrupt normal ovarian function. Women with PCOD may experience irregular periods, weight gain, and hormonal imbalances.

Symptoms of PCOD

1. Irregular Menstrual Cycles:

One of the primary indicators is irregular or infrequent periods, making it challenging for women to predict their menstrual cycles.

2. Hormonal Imbalances:

PCOD generally leads to excess production of male hormones (androgens), causing symptoms like acne, facial hair growth, and male pattern baldness.

3. Ovulatory Dysfunction:

Anovulation, the absence of ovulation, is common in PCOD, impacting fertility and contributing to difficulties in conceiving.

4. Suffering from Heavy Bleeding:

Women with PCOD may experience heavy bleeding during menstrual periods.

5. Growing Acne:

Acne can be a skin-related symptom associated with PCOD.

6. Sudden Weight Gain:

PCOD is often linked to sudden and unexplained weight gain.

7. Crown Hair Loss:

Some women with PCOD may notice hair loss, particularly in the crown area.

8. Sudden Headaches:

Sudden headaches can be a symptom experienced by individuals with PCOD.

9. Darkening of Skin:

Skin darkening is another potential symptom associated with PCOD.

10. Increase in Male Hormones:

PCOD may lead to an increase in male hormones, contributing to various symptoms.

What is PCOS: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome?

PCOS, or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, is a broader hormonal disorder encompassing various symptoms beyond ovarian cysts. It is a complex condition with metabolic and reproductive implications.

Symptoms of PCOS

1. Irregular or Absent Menstrual Cycles:

Similar to PCOD, PCOS manifests with irregular or absent periods, creating challenges for women trying to conceive.

2. Hyperandrogenism:

PCOS involves elevated levels of androgens, leading to symptoms like hirsutism, acne, and male-pattern baldness.

3. Metabolic Issues:

Insulin resistance and metabolic dysfunction are common in PCOS, contributing to weight gain and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.

4. Excess Male Hormones:

PCOS can result in an excess of male hormones, causing various symptoms.

5. Pain in the Groin or Lower Abdomen Area:

Some women with PCOS may experience pain in the groin or lower abdomen region.

6. Gaining Weight:

Weight gain is a common symptom of PCOS, linked to its metabolic impact.

7. Frequent Headaches:

PCOS might be associated with frequent headaches for some individuals.

8. Skin Darkening:

Skin darkening is another potential symptom that can occur in PCOS.

9. Oily Skin and Acne:

Oily skin and acne are skin-related manifestations linked to PCOS.

10. Developing Crown Baldness:

In some cases, women with PCOS may experience crown baldness.

Recognizing these symptoms is crucial for early detection and appropriate management of PCOS or PCOD. If you are experiencing any of these signs, seeking medical advice is essential for an accurate diagnosis and tailored guidance.

Common Signs and Symptoms of PCOD/PCOS

  • Irregular Menstruation
  • Hormonal Imbalances (Acne, Hirsutism)
  • Ovulatory Dysfunction
  • Metabolic Issues (Insulin Resistance, Weight Gain)

Difference Between PCOD and PCOS:

Features PCOD
(Polycystic Ovary Disease)
(Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)
DefinitionMultiple cysts on ovariesOvarian disorder with broader hormonal and metabolic impacts  
Primary Focus           Ovarian cysts and their impact on menstrual regularityHormonal and metabolic disruptions beyond ovarian cysts
Menstrual CyclesIrregular or infrequent periodsIrregular or absent periods
Hormonal Imbalances   Excess production of male hormones (androgens)Elevated levels of androgens, contributing to hirsutism, acne, and male-pattern baldness
OvulationAnovulation (absence of ovulation) common, impacting fertilityOvulatory dysfunction, making it challenging to conceive
Metabolic IssuesTypically not the primary focusInsulin resistance, metabolic dysfunction, increased risk of type 2 diabetes  
Diagnostics  Diagnosis based on ovarian cysts through medical history, physical examinations, ultrasound, and blood testsComprehensive approach considering hormonal, metabolic, and reproductive factors through medical history, physical examinations, ultrasound, and blood tests

Prevalence of PCOD vs PCOS in India

In India, PCOS is increasing, influenced by changing lifestyles and dietary patterns. The study notes common symptoms like irregular periods, hirsutism, and weight gain. Globally, PCOS affects 6-26% of women, with India experiencing an incidence of 3.7-22.5%. These ratios emphasize the substantial impact of PCOS on women’s health in India.

Diagnosis for PCOD and PCOS:

Accurate diagnosis is key to effective management. Medical professionals employ a combination of medical history, physical examinations, and specific tests such as ultrasound and blood tests to confirm PCOD or PCOS.


Due to the rapid integration of women in the fast-growing economic workforce, numerous women are facing such problems routinely. Facing stress, workload and managing simultaneously somewhere the health is separately getting ignored and neglecting things. Understanding the nuances between PCOD and PCOS is essential to curing them for accurate diagnosis and effective management. The PCOD and PCOS both pose unique challenges, and a tailored approach to treatment is essential. If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms related to PCOD or PCOS, seeking timely medical advice from Likhitha’s diagnostic center can pave the way for better health and well-being.

Our services are across India, we are here to help you out with an accurate and fast diagnosis of your disease. For booking your appointment please call on our helpline number 040 2400 0000 or visit our official website at Likhitha’s Diagnostics centre. Remember, knowledge is the first step toward empowerment in the journey to women’s reproductive health.

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Are PCOD and PCOS the same thing?

No, PCOD (Polycystic Ovary Disease) and PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) are different conditions. PCOS is a broader hormonal disorder, while PCOD primarily focuses on ovarian cysts and their impact on menstrual regularity.

Q2. What are the common signs of PCOD and PCOS?

Common signs include irregular menstrual cycles, hormonal imbalances, ovulatory dysfunction, heavy bleeding, acne, sudden weight gain, crown hair loss, headaches, skin darkening, and an increase in male hormones.

Q3. How are PCOD and PCOS diagnosed?

Diagnosis involves a combination of medical history, physical examinations, ultrasound, and blood tests. PCOS diagnosis also considers hormonal, metabolic, and reproductive factors.

Q4. What is the prevalence of PCOS in India?

In India, PCOS is on the rise, affecting women due to changing lifestyles. Globally, PCOS impacts 6-26% of women, with India experiencing an incidence of 3.7-22.5%.

Q5. How crucial is early detection and management of PCOD and PCOS?

Early detection is essential for effective management. Seeking medical advice for accurate diagnosis and tailored guidance is crucial in addressing the unique challenges posed by PCOD and PCOS.